Adventist Mission Projects
The Inter-European Adventist Mission Office supports mission outreach throughout its territories and also beyond its borders in different ways:
Global Mission Projects
Special Mission Projects
His Hands Projects
Urban Centers of Influence (UCI)
Global Mission
is the frontline mission arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Through the use of holistic ministry, Global Mission pioneers are bringing light to the cities, to unreached territories, to secular and postmodern societies.
The Inter-European Global Mission projects are supported in partnership either with the local fields and with the General Conference Adventist Mission Office.
Global Mission has also set up five study centers around the world to help Adventists build bridges of understanding to other world religions and communities. Through personal contact, research and life experiences, the study centers help create materials and models to help Adventists explain their beliefs to people with a different worldview.
The study centers include:
Special Mission Projects
are the Inter-European Division mission projects that:
aim to involve the churches in the life of their local communities in order to serve and be a blessing.
Focus on large urban areas
Comprehensive health ministries
Personal and collective response to social welfare needs of the community
The Special Mission projects support the Unions throughout the Inter-European Division.
His Hands Projects
The Inter-European Division actively promotes Adventist volunteer service in its territory. The HisHands Volunteer Service is an expression of the commitment to the Lord’s Great Commission. Targeting primarily young people it aims to facilitate personal involvement in sharing faith with other people. The goal is to reach every young person in the church to dedicate one year to missionary volunteer service. They will learn how to personally take profit of a deeper Bible study, how to contact people and make friends, and finally how to lead people to Christ and give Bible studies.
Urban Centers of Influence
Today Global Mission is helping establish UCIs throughout our territory that provide a platform to connect with the community, practice Christ’s method of ministry and start new groups of believers and finally plant new churches. The Urban Centers of Influence projects (UCI) are supported in partnership either with the local fields and with the General Conference Adventist Mission Office.
For any grant requests for local projects that meet the requirements of Adventist Mission, Special Projects, His Hands, Urban Center of Influence, please contact EUD Adventist Mission Assistant Gloria Mangiarotti.